ObjMatrix  Top-level Files of 3c84d235e55a6f4481f3ccfb4007113716902901544f9a1f011723767ecaa1e4

Files in the top-level directory of check-in 3c84d235e55a6f4481f3ccfb4007113716902901544f9a1f011723767ecaa1e4


What is ObjMatrix?

ObjMatrix is a Matrix client library for ObjFW.

It is currently in early development stages.

How to build it?

You need ObjFW, ObjOpenSSL and ObjSQLite3 installed in order to do this.

ObjMatrix uses modern Objective-C, and hence cannot be compiled with GCC, but only with Clang. So install Clang first and ObjFW will automatically pick it up.

You can install them all like this:

$ for i in objfw objopenssl objsqlite3 objmatrix; do
      fossil clone https://fossil.nil.im/$i $i.fossil &&
      mkdir $i &&
      cd $i &&
      fossil open ../$i.fossil &&
      ./autogen.sh &&
      ./configure &&
      make &&
      sudo make install &&
      cd .. || break

You might need to install your distribution's -dev packages for OpenSSL beforehand. E.g. on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install libssl-dev


Just create an account on the ObjMatrix Fossil and post your patch on the forum. After a few patches, you will be granted commit access.