ObjMatrix  README.md at [3f21e45c11]

File README.md artifact bc0604f089 part of check-in 3f21e45c11

# ObjMatrix

## What is ObjMatrix?

ObjMatrix is a [Matrix](https://matrix.org) client library for

It is currently in early development stages.

## How to build it?

Install [ObjFW](https://objfw.nil.im) first, either via your distribution on by
following the instructions on how to compile it yourself. Make sure you compile
ObjFW using Clang, as ObjMatrix is written in modern Objective-C and hence
cannot be compiled with GCC.

Then install [ObjSQLite3](https://fl.nil.im/objsqlite3):

    fossil clone https://fl.nil.im/objsqlite3
    cd objsqlite3
    meson setup build
    meson compile -C build
    sudo meson install -C build

Now you can build and install ObjMatrix like this:

    fossil clone https://fl.nil.im/objmatrix
    cd objmatrix
    meson setup build
    meson compile -C build
    sudo meson install -C build

You can run the tests like this:

    meson test -C build

## Contributing

Just create an account on the
[ObjMatrix Fossil](https://fl.nil.im/objmatrix) and post your patch on the
[forum](https://fl.nil.im/objmatrix/forum). After a few patches, you will
be granted commit access.