/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, Jonathan Schleifer * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Florian Zeitz * * https://webkeks.org/hg/objxmpp/ * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import @class XMPPConnection; @class XMPPJID; @class XMPPIQ; @class XMPPMessage; @class XMPPPresence; @class XMPPAuthenticator; @class SSLSocket; @class XMPPMulticastDelegate; /** * \brief A protocol that should be (partially) implemented * by delegates of a XMPPConnection */ @protocol XMPPConnectionDelegate #ifndef XMPP_CONNECTION_M #endif #ifdef OF_HAVE_OPTIONAL_PROTOCOLS @optional #endif /** * This callback is called when the connection received an element * * \param connection The connection that received the element * \param element The element that was received */ - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection didReceiveElement: (OFXMLElement*)element; /** * This callback is called when the connection sent an element * * \param connection The connection that sent the element * \param element The element that was sent */ - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection didSendElement: (OFXMLElement*)element; /** * This callback is called when the connection sucessfully authenticated * * \param connection The connection that was authenticated */ - (void)connectionWasAuthenticated: (XMPPConnection*)connection; /** * This callback is called when the connection was bound to a JID * * \param connection The connection that was bound to a JID * \param JID The JID the conecction was bound to */ - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection wasBoundToJID: (XMPPJID*)JID; /** * This callback is called when the connection received an IQ stanza * * \param connection The connection that received the stanza * \param iq The IQ stanza that was received */ - (BOOL)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection didReceiveIQ: (XMPPIQ*)iq; /** * This callback is called when the connection received a presence stanza * * \param connection The connection that received the stanza * \param presence The presence stanza that was received */ - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection didReceivePresence: (XMPPPresence*)presence; /** * This callback is called when the connection received a message stanza * * \param connection The connection that received the stanza * \param message The message stanza that was received */ - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection didReceiveMessage: (XMPPMessage*)message; /** * This callback is called when the connection was closed * * \param connection The connection that was closed */ - (void)connectionWasClosed: (XMPPConnection*)connection; /** * This callback is called when the connection is about to upgraded to TLS * * \param connection The connection that will upgraded to TLS */ - (void)connectionWillUpgradeToTLS: (XMPPConnection*)connection; /** * This callback is called when the connection was upgraded to use TLS * * \param connection The connection that was upgraded to TLS */ - (void)connectionDidUpgradeToTLS: (XMPPConnection*)connection; @end /** * \brief A class which abstracts a connection to an XMPP service. */ @interface XMPPConnection: OFObject #ifdef OF_HAVE_OPTONAL_PROTOCOLS #endif { id sock; OFXMLParser *parser, *oldParser; OFXMLElementBuilder *elementBuilder, *oldElementBuilder; OFString *username, *password, *server, *resource; OFString *privateKeyFile, *certificateFile; OFString *domain, *domainToASCII; XMPPJID *JID; uint16_t port; XMPPMulticastDelegate *delegates; OFMutableDictionary *callbacks; XMPPAuthenticator *authModule; BOOL streamOpen; BOOL needsSession; BOOL encryptionRequired, encrypted; unsigned int lastID; } #ifdef OF_HAVE_PROPERTIES @property (copy) OFString *username; @property (copy) OFString *password; @property (copy) OFString *server; @property (copy) OFString *domain; @property (copy) OFString *resource; @property (copy) OFString *privateKeyFile, *certificateFile; @property (copy, readonly) XMPPJID *JID; @property uint16_t port; @property (readonly, retain, getter=socket) OFTCPSocket *sock; @property BOOL encryptionRequired; /// \brief Whether the connection is encrypted @property (readonly) BOOL encrypted; #endif /** * \return A new autoreleased XMPPConnection */ + connection; /** * Adds the specified delegate. * * \param delegate The delegate to add */ - (void)addDelegate: (id )delegate; /** * Removes the specified delegate. * * \param delegate The delegate to remove */ - (void)removeDelegate: (id )delegate; /** * Connects to the XMPP service. */ - (void)connect; /** * Closes the stream to the XMPP service */ - (void)close; /** * Checks the certificate presented by the server. * Throws SSLInvalidCertificateException on failure. */ - (void)checkCertificate; /** * Starts a loop handling incomming data. */ - (void)handleConnection; /** * Parses the specified buffer. * * This is useful for handling multiple connections at once. * * \param buffer The buffer to parse * \param length The length of the buffer. If length is 0, it is assumed that * the connection was closed. */ - (void)parseBuffer: (const char*)buffer withLength: (size_t)length; /** * \return The socket used by the XMPPConnection */ - (OFTCPSocket*)socket; /** * \return Whether encryption is encrypted */ - (BOOL)encryptionRequired; /** * Sets whether encryption is required. * * \param required Whether encryption is required */ - (void)setEncryptionRequired: (BOOL)required; /** * \return Whether the connection is encrypted */ - (BOOL)encrypted; /** * Sends an OFXMLElement, usually an XMPPStanza. * * \param element The element to send */ - (void)sendStanza: (OFXMLElement*)element; /** * Sends an XMPPIQ, registering a callback method * * \param object The object that contains the callback method * \param selector The selector of the callback method, * must take exactly one parameter of type XMPPIQ* */ - (void)sendIQ: (XMPPIQ*)iq withCallbackObject: (id)object selector: (SEL)selector; #ifdef OF_HAVE_BLOCKS /** * Sends an XMPPIQ, registering a callback block * * \param callback The callback block */ - (void)sendIQ: (XMPPIQ*)iq withCallbackBlock: (void(^)(XMPPIQ*))block; #endif /** * Generates a new, unique stanza ID. * * \return A new, generated, unique stanza ID. */ - (OFString*)generateStanzaID; - (void)setUsername: (OFString*)username; - (OFString*)username; - (void)setPassword: (OFString*)password; - (OFString*)password; - (void)setServer: (OFString*)server; - (OFString*)server; - (void)setDomain: (OFString*)domain; - (OFString*)domain; - (void)setResource: (OFString*)resource; - (OFString*)resource; - (XMPPJID*)JID; - (void)setPort: (uint16_t)port; - (uint16_t)port; /// \cond internal - (void)XMPP_startStream; - (void)XMPP_handleStream: (OFXMLElement*)element; - (void)XMPP_handleTLS: (OFXMLElement*)element; - (void)XMPP_handleSASL: (OFXMLElement*)element; - (void)XMPP_handleStanza: (OFXMLElement*)element; - (void)XMPP_sendAuth: (OFString*)authName; - (void)XMPP_sendResourceBind; - (void)XMPP_sendStreamError: (OFString*)condition text: (OFString*)text; - (void)XMPP_handleIQ: (XMPPIQ*)iq; - (void)XMPP_handleMessage: (XMPPMessage*)message; - (void)XMPP_handlePresence: (XMPPPresence*)presence; - (void)XMPP_handleFeatures: (OFXMLElement*)element; - (void)XMPP_handleResourceBind: (XMPPIQ*)iq; - (void)XMPP_sendSession; - (void)XMPP_handleSession: (XMPPIQ*)iq; - (OFString*)XMPP_IDNAToASCII: (OFString*)domain; - (XMPPMulticastDelegate*)XMPP_delegates; /// \endcond @end @interface OFObject (XMPPConnectionDelegate) @end