ObjXMPP  XMPPConnection.m at [baa634a6f1]

File src/XMPPConnection.m artifact 309d096214 part of check-in baa634a6f1

#include <stringprep.h>
#include <assert.h>
#import "XMPPConnection.h"
#import "XMPPStanza.h"

#define NS_BIND @"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"
#define NS_CLIENT @"jabber:client"
#define NS_SASL @"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"
#define NS_STREAM @"http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"

@implementation XMPPConnection
@synthesize username;
@synthesize password;
@synthesize server;
@synthesize resource;
@synthesize port;
@synthesize useTLS;
@synthesize delegate;

- init
	self = [super init];

	sock = [[OFTCPSocket alloc] init];
	parser = [[OFXMLParser alloc] init];
	elementBuilder = [[OFXMLElementBuilder alloc] init];

	port = 5222;
	useTLS = YES;

	mechanisms = [[OFMutableArray alloc] init];

	parser.delegate = self;
	elementBuilder.delegate = self;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[sock release];
	[parser release];
	[elementBuilder release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)setUsername: (OFString*)username_
	OFString *old = username;
	char *node;

	Stringprep_rc rc;
	if ((rc = stringprep_profile([username_ cString], &node, "Nodeprep", 0))
		of_log(@"Nodeprep failed: %s", stringprep_strerror(rc));

	@try {
		username = [[OFString alloc] initWithCString: node];
	} @finally {

	[old release];

- (void)setServer: (OFString*)server_
	OFString *old = server;
	char *srv;

	Stringprep_rc rc;
	if ((rc = stringprep_profile([server_ cString], &srv, "Nameprep", 0))
		of_log(@"Nameprep failed: %s", stringprep_strerror(rc));

	@try {
		server = [[OFString alloc] initWithCString: srv];
	} @finally {

	[old release];

- (void)setPassword: (OFString*)password_
	OFString *old = password;
	char *pass;

	Stringprep_rc rc;
	if ((rc = stringprep_profile([password_ cString], &pass, "SASLprep", 0))
		of_log(@"SASLprep failed: %s", stringprep_strerror(rc));

	@try {
		password = [[OFString alloc] initWithCString: pass];
	} @finally {

	[old release];

- (void)_startStream
	[sock writeFormat: @"<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
			   @"<stream:stream to='%@' xmlns='" NS_CLIENT @"' "
			   @"xmlns:stream='" NS_STREAM @"' "
			   @"version='1.0'>", server];

- (void)connect
	OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

	[sock connectToHost: server onPort: port];
	[self _startStream];

	[pool release];

- (void)handleConnection
	char buf[512];

	for (;;) {
		size_t len = [sock readNBytes: 512
				   intoBuffer: buf];

		if (len < 1)
			[delegate connectionWasClosed: self];

		[of_stdout writeNBytes: len
			    fromBuffer: buf];
		[parser parseBuffer: buf
			   withSize: len];

- (void)sendStanza: (OFXMLElement*)elem
	[sock writeString: [elem stringValue]];

-    (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)p
  didStartElement: (OFString*)name
       withPrefix: (OFString*)prefix
	namespace: (OFString*)ns
       attributes: (OFArray*)attrs
	if (![name isEqual: @"stream"] || ![prefix isEqual: @"stream"] ||
	    ![ns isEqual: NS_STREAM])
		of_log(@"Did not get expected stream start!");

	for (OFXMLAttribute *attr in attrs)
		if ([attr.name isEqual: @"from"] &&
		    ![attr.stringValue isEqual: server])
			of_log(@"Got invalid from in stream start!");

	parser.delegate = elementBuilder;

- (void)_addAuthMechanisms: (OFXMLElement*)mechanisms_
	for (OFXMLElement *mechanism in mechanisms_.children)
		[mechanisms addObject:
		    [mechanism.children.firstObject stringValue]];

- (void)_sendPLAINAuth
	OFXMLElement *authTag;
	OFDataArray *message;

	message = [OFDataArray dataArrayWithItemSize: 1];
	/* XXX: authzid would go here */
	//[message addItem: authzid];
	/* separator */
	[message addItem: ""];
	/* authcid */
	[message addNItems: [username cStringLength]
		fromCArray: [username cString]];
	/* separator */
	[message addItem: ""];
	/* passwd */
	[message addNItems: [password cStringLength]
		fromCArray: [password cString]];

	authTag = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"auth"
				      namespace: NS_SASL];
	[authTag addAttributeWithName: @"mechanism"
			  stringValue: @"PLAIN"];
	[authTag addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithCharacters:
	    [message stringByBase64Encoding]]];

	[self sendStanza: authTag];

- (void)_sendResourceBind
	XMPPIQ *iq = [XMPPIQ IQWithType: @"set" ID: @"bind0"];
	[iq addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"bind"
					  namespace: NS_BIND]];

	[self sendStanza: iq];

- (void)_handleFeatures: (OFXMLElement*)elem
	for (OFXMLElement *child in elem.children) {
		if ([[child name] isEqual: @"mechanisms"] &&
		    [[child namespace] isEqual: NS_SASL])
			[self _addAuthMechanisms: child];
		else if ([[child name] isEqual: @"bind"] &&
		    [[child namespace] isEqual: NS_BIND])
			[self _sendResourceBind];

	if ([mechanisms containsObject: @"PLAIN"])
		[self _sendPLAINAuth];

- (void)elementBuilder: (OFXMLElementBuilder*)b
       didBuildElement: (OFXMLElement*)elem
	elem.defaultNamespace = NS_CLIENT;
	[elem setPrefix: @"stream"
	   forNamespace: NS_STREAM];

	if ([elem.name isEqual: @"features"] &&
	    [elem.namespace isEqual: NS_STREAM]) {
		[self _handleFeatures: elem];

	if ([elem.namespace isEqual: NS_SASL]) {
		if ([elem.name isEqual: @"success"]) {
			of_log(@"Auth successful");

			/* Stream restart */
			[mechanisms release];
			mechanisms = [[OFMutableArray alloc] init];
			parser.delegate = self;

			[self _startStream];

		if ([elem.name isEqual: @"failure"])
			of_log(@"Auth failed!");
			// FIXME: Handle!

	if ([elem.name isEqual: @"iq"] &&
	    [elem.namespace isEqual: NS_CLIENT]) {
		XMPPIQ *iq = [XMPPIQ stanzaWithElement: elem];
		if ([iq.ID isEqual: @"bind0"] && [iq.type isEqual: @"result"]) {
			OFXMLElement *bindElem = iq.children.firstObject;
			OFXMLElement *jidElem = bindElem.children.firstObject;
			of_log(@"Bound to JID: %@",
				[jidElem.children.firstObject stringValue]);

- (void)elementBuilder: (OFXMLElementBuilder*)b
  didNotExpectCloseTag: (OFString*)name
	    withPrefix: (OFString*)prefix
	     namespace: (OFString*)ns
	// TODO