ObjXMPP  XMPPStanza.m at [219b0d5494]

File src/XMPPStanza.m artifact 3a525ca278 part of check-in 219b0d5494

#import "XMPPStanza.h"

@implementation XMPPStanza
@synthesize from;
@synthesize to;
@synthesize type;
@synthesize ID;

+ stanzaWithName: (OFString*)name
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease];

+ stanzaWithName: (OFString*)name
	    type: (OFString*)type_
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name
				      type: type_] autorelease];

+ stanzaWithName: (OFString*)name
	      ID: (OFString*)ID_
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name
					ID: ID_] autorelease];

+ stanzaWithName: (OFString*)name
	    type: (OFString*)type_
	      ID: (OFString*)ID_
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name
				      type: type_
					ID: ID_] autorelease];

+ stanzaWithElement: (OFXMLElement*)elem {
	return [[[self alloc] initWithElement: elem] autorelease];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name_
	return [self initWithName: name_
			     type: nil
			       ID: nil];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name_
	  type: (OFString*)type_
	return [self initWithName: name_
			     type: type_
			       ID: nil];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name_
	    ID: (OFString*)ID_
	return [self initWithName: name_
			     type: nil
			       ID: ID_];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name_
	  type: (OFString*)type_
	    ID: (OFString*)ID_
	if (![name_ isEqual: @"iq"] &&
	    ![name_ isEqual: @"message"] &&
	    ![name_ isEqual: @"presence"])
		of_log(@"Invalid stanza name!");

	self = [super initWithName: name_];

	@try {
		[self setDefaultNamespace: @"jabber:client"];

		if (type_)
			[self setType: type_];

		if (ID_)
			[self setID: ID_];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- initWithElement: (OFXMLElement*)elem
	self = [super initWithName: elem.name
			 namespace: elem.namespace];

	@try {
		OFXMLAttribute *attr;
		OFXMLElement *el;

		for (attr in elem.attributes) {
			if ([attr.name isEqual: @"from"])
				[self setFrom: [attr stringValue]];
			else if ([attr.name isEqual: @"to"])
				[self setTo: [attr stringValue]];
			else if ([attr.name isEqual: @"type"])
				[self setType: [attr stringValue]];
			else if ([attr.name isEqual: @"id"])
				[self setID: [attr stringValue]];
				[self addAttribute: attr];

		for (el in elem.children)
			[self addChild: el];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[from release];
	[to release];
	[type release];
	[ID release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)setFrom: (OFString*)from_
	OFString* old = from;
	from = [from_ copy];
	[old release];

	/* FIXME: Remove old attribute! */
	[self addAttributeWithName: @"from"
		       stringValue: from_];

- (void)setTo: (OFString*)to_
	OFString* old = to;
	to = [to_ copy];
	[old release];

	/* FIXME: Remove old attribute! */
	[self addAttributeWithName: @"to"
		       stringValue: to];

- (void)setType: (OFString*)type_
	OFString* old = type;
	type = [type_ copy];
	[old release];

	/* FIXME: Remove old attribute! */
	[self addAttributeWithName: @"type"
		       stringValue: type];

- (void)setID: (OFString*)ID_
	OFString* old = ID;
	ID = [ID_ copy];
	[old release];

	/* FIXME: Remove old attribute! */
	[self addAttributeWithName: @"id"
		       stringValue: ID];