/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org> * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Florian Zeitz <florob@babelmonkeys.de> * * https://heap.zone/objxmpp/ * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <assert.h> #import <ObjFW/ObjFW.h> #import "XMPPConnection.h" #import "XMPPDiscoEntity.h" #import "XMPPDiscoIdentity.h" #import "XMPPJID.h" #import "XMPPStanza.h" #import "XMPPIQ.h" #import "XMPPMessage.h" #import "XMPPPresence.h" #import "XMPPRoster.h" #import "XMPPStreamManagement.h" #import "XMPPFileStorage.h" @interface AppDelegate: OFObject <OFApplicationDelegate, XMPPConnectionDelegate, XMPPRosterDelegate> { XMPPConnection *conn; XMPPRoster *roster; } @end OF_APPLICATION_DELEGATE(AppDelegate) @implementation AppDelegate - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching { OFArray *arguments = [OFApplication arguments]; XMPPPresence *pres = [XMPPPresence presence]; [pres setShow: @"xa"]; [pres setStatus: @"Bored"]; [pres setPriority: [OFNumber numberWithInt8: 20]]; [pres setTo: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"alice@example.com"]]; [pres setFrom: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"bob@example.org"]]; assert([[pres XMLString] isEqual: @"<presence to='alice@example.com' " @"from='bob@example.org'><show>xa</show>" @"<status>Bored</status><priority>20</priority>" @"</presence>"]); XMPPPresence *pres2 = [XMPPPresence presence]; [pres2 setShow: @"away"]; [pres2 setStatus: @"Bored"]; [pres2 setPriority: [OFNumber numberWithInt8: 23]]; [pres2 setTo: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"alice@example.com"]]; [pres2 setFrom: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"bob@example.org"]]; assert([pres compare: pres2] == OF_ORDERED_ASCENDING); XMPPMessage *msg = [XMPPMessage messageWithType: @"chat"]; [msg setBody: @"Hello everyone"]; [msg setTo: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"jdev@conference.jabber.org"]]; [msg setFrom: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"alice@example.com"]]; assert([[msg XMLString] isEqual: @"<message type='chat' " @"to='jdev@conference.jabber.org' " @"from='alice@example.com'><body>Hello everyone</body>" @"</message>"]); XMPPIQ *iq = [XMPPIQ IQWithType: @"set" ID: @"128"]; [iq setTo: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"juliet@capulet.lit"]]; [iq setFrom: [XMPPJID JIDWithString: @"romeo@montague.lit"]]; assert([[iq XMLString] isEqual: @"<iq type='set' id='128' " @"to='juliet@capulet.lit' " @"from='romeo@montague.lit'/>"]); OFXMLElement *elem = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"iq"]; [elem addAttributeWithName: @"from" stringValue: @"bob@localhost"]; [elem addAttributeWithName: @"to" stringValue: @"alice@localhost"]; [elem addAttributeWithName: @"type" stringValue: @"get"]; [elem addAttributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: @"42"]; XMPPStanza *stanza = [XMPPStanza stanzaWithElement: elem]; assert([[elem XMLString] isEqual: [stanza XMLString]]); assert(([[OFString stringWithFormat: @"%@, %@, %@, %@", [[stanza from] fullJID], [[stanza to] fullJID], [stanza type], [stanza ID]] isEqual: @"bob@localhost, alice@localhost, get, 42"])); conn = [[XMPPConnection alloc] init]; [conn addDelegate: self]; XMPPFileStorage *storage = [[XMPPFileStorage alloc] initWithFile: @"storage.binarypack"]; [conn setDataStorage: storage]; roster = [[XMPPRoster alloc] initWithConnection: conn]; [roster addDelegate: self]; [[XMPPStreamManagement alloc] initWithConnection: conn]; if ([arguments count] != 3) { of_log(@"Invalid count of command line arguments!"); [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1]; } [conn setDomain: [arguments objectAtIndex: 0]]; [conn setUsername: [arguments objectAtIndex: 1]]; [conn setPassword: [arguments objectAtIndex: 2]]; [conn setResource: @"ObjXMPP"]; [conn asyncConnectAndHandle]; } - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn didReceiveElement: (OFXMLElement *)element { of_log(@"In: %@", element); } - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn didSendElement: (OFXMLElement *)element { of_log(@"Out: %@", element); } - (void)connectionWasAuthenticated: (XMPPConnection *)conn { of_log(@"Auth successful"); } - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn_ wasBoundToJID: (XMPPJID *)jid { of_log(@"Bound to JID: %@", [jid fullJID]); of_log(@"Supports SM: %@", [conn_ supportsStreamManagement] ? @"true" : @"false"); XMPPDiscoEntity *discoEntity = [[XMPPDiscoEntity alloc] initWithConnection: conn]; [discoEntity addIdentity: [XMPPDiscoIdentity identityWithCategory: @"client" type: @"pc" name: @"ObjXMPP"]]; XMPPDiscoNode *nodeMusic = [XMPPDiscoNode discoNodeWithJID: jid node: @"music" name: @"My music"]; [discoEntity addChildNode: nodeMusic]; XMPPDiscoNode *nodeRHCP = [XMPPDiscoNode discoNodeWithJID: jid node: @"fa3b6" name: @"Red Hot Chili Peppers"]; [nodeMusic addChildNode: nodeRHCP]; XMPPDiscoNode *nodeStop = [XMPPDiscoNode discoNodeWithJID: jid node: @"qwe87" name: @"Can't Stop"]; [nodeRHCP addChildNode: nodeStop]; XMPPDiscoNode *nodeClueso = [XMPPDiscoNode discoNodeWithJID: jid node: @"ea386" name: @"Clueso"]; [nodeMusic addChildNode: nodeClueso]; XMPPDiscoNode *nodeChicago = [XMPPDiscoNode discoNodeWithJID: jid node: @"qwr87" name: @"Chicago"]; [nodeClueso addChildNode: nodeChicago]; [discoEntity addDiscoNode: nodeMusic]; [discoEntity addDiscoNode: nodeRHCP]; [discoEntity addDiscoNode: nodeClueso]; [discoEntity addDiscoNode: nodeStop]; [discoEntity addDiscoNode: nodeChicago]; [roster requestRoster]; } - (void)rosterWasReceived: (XMPPRoster *)roster_ { XMPPPresence *pres; of_log(@"Got roster: %@", [roster_ rosterItems]); pres = [XMPPPresence presence]; [pres setPriority: [OFNumber numberWithInt8: 10]]; [pres setStatus: @"ObjXMPP test is working!"]; [conn sendStanza: pres]; #ifdef OF_HAVE_BLOCKS XMPPIQ *iq = [XMPPIQ IQWithType: @"get" ID: [conn generateStanzaID]]; [iq addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"ping" namespace: @"urn:xmpp:ping"]]; [conn sendIQ: iq callbackBlock: ^ (XMPPConnection *c, XMPPIQ *resp) { of_log(@"Ping response: %@", resp); }]; #endif } - (void)connectionDidUpgradeToTLS: (XMPPConnection *)conn_ { OFString *reason; if (![conn_ checkCertificateAndGetReason: &reason]) { [of_stdout writeString: @"Couldn't verify certificate: "]; [of_stdout writeFormat: @"%@\n", reason]; [of_stdout writeString: @"Do you want to continue [y/N]? "]; if (![[of_stdin readLine] hasPrefix: @"y"]) [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1]; } } - (void)roster: (XMPPRoster *)roster_ didReceiveRosterItem: (XMPPRosterItem *)rosterItem { of_log(@"Got roster push: %@", rosterItem); } - (bool)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn didReceiveIQ: (XMPPIQ *)iq { of_log(@"IQ: %@", iq); return NO; } - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn didReceiveMessage: (XMPPMessage *)msg { of_log(@"Message: %@", msg); } - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn didReceivePresence: (XMPPPresence *)pres { of_log(@"Presence: %@", pres); } - (void)connection: (XMPPConnection *)conn didThrowException: (id)e { @throw e; } - (void)connectionWasClosed: (XMPPConnection *)conn { of_log(@"Connection was closed!"); } @end