Artifact 24f700eb94d5e4e4877996ce5d2b0a832bb8112c7e97be1c5ff2108e7fae310d:
- File
— part of check-in
2014-02-03 23:00:09
on branch trunk
— XMPPConnection: Don't negotiate a session feature, when marked optional
The session feature has been deprecated as of RFC 6120.
Some servers still offer it for client compatibility, but
mark it as optional. Not negotiating it in this case
saves us a round trip (user:, size: 30789) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, Jonathan Schleifer <> * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Florian Zeitz <> * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #define XMPP_CONNECTION_M #include <assert.h> #include <stringprep.h> #include <idna.h> #import <ObjOpenSSL/SSLSocket.h> #import <ObjOpenSSL/SSLInvalidCertificateException.h> #import <ObjOpenSSL/X509Certificate.h> #import <ObjFW/OFInvalidArgumentException.h> #import "XMPPConnection.h" #import "XMPPCallback.h" #import "XMPPSRVLookup.h" #import "XMPPEXTERNALAuth.h" #import "XMPPSCRAMAuth.h" #import "XMPPPLAINAuth.h" #import "XMPPStanza.h" #import "XMPPJID.h" #import "XMPPIQ.h" #import "XMPPMessage.h" #import "XMPPPresence.h" #import "XMPPMulticastDelegate.h" #import "XMPPExceptions.h" #import "XMPPXMLElementBuilder.h" #import "namespaces.h" #import <ObjFW/macros.h> #define BUFFER_LENGTH 512 @interface XMPPConnection_ConnectThread: OFThread { OFThread *_sourceThread; XMPPConnection *_connection; } - initWithSourceThread: (OFThread*)sourceThread connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection; @end @implementation XMPPConnection_ConnectThread - initWithSourceThread: (OFThread*)sourceThread connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection { self = [super init]; @try { _sourceThread = [sourceThread retain]; _connection = [connection retain]; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_sourceThread release]; [_connection release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)didConnect { [self join]; [_connection handleConnection]; } - (id)main { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [_connection connect]; [self performSelector: @selector(didConnect) onThread: _sourceThread waitUntilDone: false]; [pool release]; return nil; } @end @implementation XMPPConnection + (instancetype)connection { return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; } - init { self = [super init]; @try { _port = 5222; _delegates = [[XMPPMulticastDelegate alloc] init]; _callbacks = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_socket release]; [_parser release]; [_elementBuilder release]; [_username release]; [_password release]; [_privateKeyFile release]; [_certificateFile release]; [_server release]; [_domain release]; [_resource release]; [_JID release]; [_delegates release]; [_callbacks release]; [_authModule release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)setUsername: (OFString*)username { OFString *old = _username; if (username != nil) { char *node; Stringprep_rc rc; if ((rc = stringprep_profile([username UTF8String], &node, "SASLprep", 0)) != STRINGPREP_OK) @throw [XMPPStringPrepFailedException exceptionWithConnection: self profile: @"SASLprep" string: username]; @try { _username = [[OFString alloc] initWithUTF8String: node]; } @finally { free(node); } } else _username = nil; [old release]; } - (OFString*)username { return [[_username copy] autorelease]; } - (void)setResource: (OFString*)resource { OFString *old = _resource; if (resource != nil) { char *res; Stringprep_rc rc; if ((rc = stringprep_profile([resource UTF8String], &res, "Resourceprep", 0)) != STRINGPREP_OK) @throw [XMPPStringPrepFailedException exceptionWithConnection: self profile: @"Resourceprep" string: resource]; @try { _resource = [[OFString alloc] initWithUTF8String: res]; } @finally { free(res); } } else _resource = nil; [old release]; } - (OFString*)resource { return [[_resource copy] autorelease]; } - (void)setServer: (OFString*)server { OFString *old = _server; if (server != nil) _server = [self XMPP_IDNAToASCII: server]; else _server = nil; [old release]; } - (OFString*)server { return [[_server copy] autorelease]; } - (void)setDomain: (OFString*)domain { OFString *oldDomain = _domain; OFString *oldDomainToASCII = _domainToASCII; if (domain != nil) { char *srv; Stringprep_rc rc; if ((rc = stringprep_profile([domain UTF8String], &srv, "Nameprep", 0)) != STRINGPREP_OK) @throw [XMPPStringPrepFailedException exceptionWithConnection: self profile: @"Nameprep" string: domain]; @try { _domain = [[OFString alloc] initWithUTF8String: srv]; } @finally { free(srv); } _domainToASCII = [self XMPP_IDNAToASCII: _domain]; } else { _domain = nil; _domainToASCII = nil; } [oldDomain release]; [oldDomainToASCII release]; } - (OFString*)domain { return [[_domain copy] autorelease]; } - (void)setPassword: (OFString*)password { OFString *old = _password; if (password != nil) { char *pass; Stringprep_rc rc; if ((rc = stringprep_profile([password UTF8String], &pass, "SASLprep", 0)) != STRINGPREP_OK) @throw [XMPPStringPrepFailedException exceptionWithConnection: self profile: @"SASLprep" string: password]; @try { _password = [[OFString alloc] initWithUTF8String: pass]; } @finally { free(pass); } } else _password = nil; [old release]; } - (OFString*)password { return [[_password copy] autorelease]; } - (void)setPrivateKeyFile: (OFString*)privateKeyFile { OF_SETTER(_privateKeyFile, privateKeyFile, true, 1) } - (OFString*)privateKeyFile { OF_GETTER(_privateKeyFile, true) } - (void)setCertificateFile: (OFString*)certificateFile { OF_SETTER(_certificateFile, certificateFile, true, 1) } - (OFString*)certificateFile { OF_GETTER(_certificateFile, true) } - (void)connect { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; XMPPSRVEntry *candidate = nil; XMPPSRVLookup *SRVLookup = nil; OFEnumerator *enumerator; if (_socket != nil) @throw [OFAlreadyConnectedException exception]; _socket = [[OFTCPSocket alloc] init]; if (_server) [_socket connectToHost: _server port: _port]; else { @try { SRVLookup = [XMPPSRVLookup lookupWithDomain: _domainToASCII]; } @catch (id e) { } enumerator = [SRVLookup objectEnumerator]; /* Iterate over SRV records, if any */ if ((candidate = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { do { @try { [_socket connectToHost: [candidate target] port: [candidate port]]; break; } @catch (OFAddressTranslationFailedException *e) { } @catch (OFConnectionFailedException *e) { } } while ((candidate = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil); } else /* No SRV records -> fall back to A / AAAA record */ [_socket connectToHost: _domainToASCII port: _port]; } [self XMPP_startStream]; [pool release]; } - (void)handleConnection { char *buffer = [self allocMemoryWithSize: BUFFER_LENGTH]; [_socket asyncReadIntoBuffer: buffer length: BUFFER_LENGTH target: self selector: @selector(stream:didReadIntoBuffer:length: exception:)]; } - (void)asyncConnectAndHandle { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [[[[XMPPConnection_ConnectThread alloc] initWithSourceThread: [OFThread currentThread] connection: self] autorelease] start]; [pool release]; } - (bool)XMPP_parseBuffer: (const void*)buffer length: (size_t)length { if ([_socket isAtEndOfStream]) { [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connectionWasClosed:) withObject: self]; return false; } @try { [_parser parseBuffer: buffer length: length]; } @catch (OFMalformedXMLException *e) { [self XMPP_sendStreamError: @"bad-format" text: nil]; [self close]; return false; } return true; } - (void)parseBuffer: (const void*)buffer length: (size_t)length { [self XMPP_parseBuffer: buffer length: length]; [_oldParser release]; [_oldElementBuilder release]; _oldParser = nil; _oldElementBuilder = nil; } - (bool)stream: (OFStream*)stream didReadIntoBuffer: (char*)buffer length: (size_t)length exception: (OFException*)exception { if (exception != nil) { [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection: didThrowException:) withObject: self withObject: exception]; [self close]; return false; } @try { if (![self XMPP_parseBuffer: buffer length: length]) return false; } @catch (id e) { [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection: didThrowException:) withObject: self withObject: e]; [self close]; return false; } if (_oldParser != nil || _oldElementBuilder != nil) { [_oldParser release]; [_oldElementBuilder release]; _oldParser = nil; _oldElementBuilder = nil; [_socket asyncReadIntoBuffer: buffer length: BUFFER_LENGTH target: self selector: @selector(stream: didReadIntoBuffer:length: exception:)]; return false; } return true; } - (OFTCPSocket*)socket { return [[_socket retain] autorelease]; } - (bool)encryptionRequired { return _encryptionRequired; } - (void)setEncryptionRequired: (bool)encryptionRequired { _encryptionRequired = encryptionRequired; } - (bool)encrypted { return _encrypted; } - (bool)streamOpen { return _streamOpen; } - (bool)supportsRosterVersioning { return _supportsRosterVersioning; } - (bool)supportsStreamManagement { return _supportsStreamManagement; } - (bool)checkCertificateAndGetReason: (OFString**)reason { X509Certificate *cert; OFDictionary *SANs; bool serviceSpecific = false; @try { [_socket verifyPeerCertificate]; } @catch (SSLInvalidCertificateException *e) { if (reason != NULL) *reason = [[[e reason] copy] autorelease]; return false; } cert = [_socket peerCertificate]; SANs = [cert subjectAlternativeName]; if ([[SANs objectForKey: @"otherName"] objectForKey: OID_SRVName] != nil || [SANs objectForKey: @"dNSName"] != nil || [SANs objectForKey: @"uniformResourceIdentifier"] != nil) serviceSpecific = true; if ([cert hasSRVNameMatchingDomain: _domainToASCII service: @"xmpp-client"] || [cert hasDNSNameMatchingDomain: _domainToASCII]) return true; if (!serviceSpecific && [cert hasCommonNameMatchingDomain: _domainToASCII]) return true; return false; } - (void)sendStanza: (OFXMLElement*)element { [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection:didSendElement:) withObject: self withObject: element]; [_socket writeString: [element XMLString]]; } - (void)sendIQ: (XMPPIQ*)IQ callbackTarget: (id)target selector: (SEL)selector { OFAutoreleasePool *pool; XMPPCallback *callback; OFString *ID, *key; pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ((ID = [IQ ID]) == nil) { ID = [self generateStanzaID]; [IQ setID: ID]; } if ((key = [[IQ to] fullJID]) == nil) key = [_JID bareJID]; if (key == nil) // Only happens for resource bind key = @"bind"; key = [key stringByAppendingString: ID]; callback = [XMPPCallback callbackWithTarget: target selector: selector]; [_callbacks setObject: callback forKey: key]; [pool release]; [self sendStanza: IQ]; } #ifdef OF_HAVE_BLOCKS - (void)sendIQ: (XMPPIQ*)IQ callbackBlock: (xmpp_callback_block_t)block { OFAutoreleasePool *pool; XMPPCallback *callback; OFString *ID, *key; pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ((ID = [IQ ID]) == nil) { ID = [self generateStanzaID]; [IQ setID: ID]; } if ((key = [[IQ to] fullJID]) == nil) key = [_JID bareJID]; if (key == nil) // Connection not yet bound, can't send stanzas @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; key = [key stringByAppendingString: ID]; callback = [XMPPCallback callbackWithBlock: block]; [_callbacks setObject: callback forKey: key]; [pool release]; [self sendStanza: IQ]; } #endif - (OFString*)generateStanzaID { return [OFString stringWithFormat: @"objxmpp_%u", _lastID++]; } - (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)p didStartElement: (OFString*)name prefix: (OFString*)prefix namespace: (OFString*)ns attributes: (OFArray*)attributes { OFEnumerator *enumerator; OFXMLAttribute *attribute; if (![name isEqual: @"stream"]) { // No dedicated stream error for this, may not even be XMPP [self close]; [_socket close]; return; } if (![prefix isEqual: @"stream"]) { [self XMPP_sendStreamError: @"bad-namespace-prefix" text: nil]; return; } if (![ns isEqual: XMPP_NS_STREAM]) { [self XMPP_sendStreamError: @"invalid-namespace" text: nil]; return; } enumerator = [attributes objectEnumerator]; while ((attribute = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { if ([[attribute name] isEqual: @"from"] && ![[attribute stringValue] isEqual: _domain]) { [self XMPP_sendStreamError: @"invalid-from" text: nil]; return; } if ([[attribute name] isEqual: @"version"] && ![[attribute stringValue] isEqual: @"1.0"]) { [self XMPP_sendStreamError: @"unsupported-version" text: nil]; return; } } [_parser setDelegate: _elementBuilder]; } - (void)elementBuilder: (OFXMLElementBuilder*)builder didBuildElement: (OFXMLElement*)element { /* Ignore whitespace elements */ if ([element name] == nil) return; [element setDefaultNamespace: XMPP_NS_CLIENT]; [element setPrefix: @"stream" forNamespace: XMPP_NS_STREAM]; [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection:didReceiveElement:) withObject: self withObject: element]; if ([[element namespace] isEqual: XMPP_NS_CLIENT]) [self XMPP_handleStanza: element]; if ([[element namespace] isEqual: XMPP_NS_STREAM]) [self XMPP_handleStream: element]; if ([[element namespace] isEqual: XMPP_NS_STARTTLS]) [self XMPP_handleTLS: element]; if ([[element namespace] isEqual: XMPP_NS_SASL]) [self XMPP_handleSASL: element]; } - (void)elementBuilder: (OFXMLElementBuilder*)builder didNotExpectCloseTag: (OFString*)name prefix: (OFString*)prefix namespace: (OFString*)ns { if (![name isEqual: @"stream"] || ![prefix isEqual: @"stream"] || ![ns isEqual: XMPP_NS_STREAM]) @throw [OFMalformedXMLException exception]; else { [self close]; } } - (void)XMPP_startStream { OFString *langString = @""; /* Make sure we don't get any old events */ [_parser setDelegate: nil]; [_elementBuilder setDelegate: nil]; /* * We can't release them now, as we are currently inside them. Release * them the next time the parser returns. */ _oldParser = _parser; _oldElementBuilder = _elementBuilder; _parser = [[OFXMLParser alloc] init]; [_parser setDelegate: self]; _elementBuilder = [[XMPPXMLElementBuilder alloc] init]; [_elementBuilder setDelegate: self]; if (_language != nil) langString = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"xml:lang='%@' ", _language]; [_socket writeFormat: @"<?xml version='1.0'?>\n" @"<stream:stream to='%@' " @"xmlns='" XMPP_NS_CLIENT @"' " @"xmlns:stream='" XMPP_NS_STREAM @"' %@" @"version='1.0'>", _domain, langString]; _streamOpen = true; } - (void)close { if (_streamOpen) [_socket writeString: @"</stream:stream>"]; [_oldParser release]; _oldParser = nil; [_oldElementBuilder release]; _oldElementBuilder = nil; [_authModule release]; _authModule = nil; [_socket release]; _socket = nil; [_JID release]; _JID = nil; _streamOpen = _needsSession = _encrypted = false; _supportsRosterVersioning = _supportsStreamManagement = false; _lastID = 0; } - (void)XMPP_handleStanza: (OFXMLElement*)element { if ([[element name] isEqual: @"iq"]) { [self XMPP_handleIQ: [XMPPIQ stanzaWithElement: element]]; return; } if ([[element name] isEqual: @"message"]) { [self XMPP_handleMessage: [XMPPMessage stanzaWithElement: element]]; return; } if ([[element name] isEqual: @"presence"]) { [self XMPP_handlePresence: [XMPPPresence stanzaWithElement: element]]; return; } [self XMPP_sendStreamError: @"unsupported-stanza-type" text: nil]; } - (void)XMPP_handleStream: (OFXMLElement*)element { if ([[element name] isEqual: @"features"]) { [self XMPP_handleFeatures: element]; return; } if ([[element name] isEqual: @"error"]) { OFString *condition, *reason; [self close]; [_socket close]; // Remote has already closed his stream if ([element elementForName: @"bad-format" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"bad-format"; else if ([element elementForName: @"bad-namespace-prefix" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"bad-namespace-prefix"; else if ([element elementForName: @"conflict" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"conflict"; else if ([element elementForName: @"connection-timeout" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"connection-timeout"; else if ([element elementForName: @"host-gone" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"host-gone"; else if ([element elementForName: @"host-unknown" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"host-unknown"; else if ([element elementForName: @"improper-addressing" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"improper-addressing"; else if ([element elementForName: @"internal-server-error" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"internal-server-error"; else if ([element elementForName: @"invalid-from" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"invalid-from"; else if ([element elementForName: @"invalid-namespace" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"invalid-namespace"; else if ([element elementForName: @"invalid-xml" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"invalid-xml"; else if ([element elementForName: @"not-authorized" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"not-authorized"; else if ([element elementForName: @"not-well-formed" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"not-well-formed"; else if ([element elementForName: @"policy-violation" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"policy-violation"; else if ([element elementForName: @"remote-connection-failed" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"remote-connection-failed"; else if ([element elementForName: @"reset" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"reset"; else if ([element elementForName: @"resource-constraint" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"resource-constraint"; else if ([element elementForName: @"restricted-xml" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"restricted-xml"; else if ([element elementForName: @"see-other-host" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"see-other-host"; else if ([element elementForName: @"system-shutdown" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"system-shutdown"; else if ([element elementForName: @"undefined-condition" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"undefined-condition"; else if ([element elementForName: @"unsupported-encoding" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"unsupported-encoding"; else if ([element elementForName: @"unsupported-feature" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"unsupported-feature"; else if ([element elementForName: @"unsupported-stanza-type" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"unsupported-stanza-type"; else if ([element elementForName: @"unsupported-version" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]) condition = @"unsupported-version"; else condition = @"undefined"; reason = [[element elementForName: @"text" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM] stringValue]; @throw [XMPPStreamErrorException exceptionWithConnection: self condition: condition reason: reason]; return; } assert(0); } - (void)XMPP_handleTLS: (OFXMLElement*)element { if ([[element name] isEqual: @"proceed"]) { /* FIXME: Catch errors here */ SSLSocket *newSock; [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector( connectionWillUpgradeToTLS:) withObject: self]; newSock = [[SSLSocket alloc] initWithSocket: _socket]; [newSock setCertificateFile: _certificateFile]; [newSock setPrivateKeyFile: _privateKeyFile]; [newSock setPrivateKeyPassphrase: _privateKeyPassphrase]; [newSock startTLS]; [_socket release]; _socket = newSock; _encrypted = true; [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector( connectionDidUpgradeToTLS:) withObject: self]; /* Stream restart */ [self XMPP_startStream]; return; } if ([[element name] isEqual: @"failure"]) /* TODO: Find/create an exception to throw here */ @throw [OFException exception]; assert(0); } - (void)XMPP_handleSASL: (OFXMLElement*)element { if ([[element name] isEqual: @"challenge"]) { OFXMLElement *responseTag; OFDataArray *challenge = [OFDataArray dataArrayWithBase64EncodedString: [element stringValue]]; OFDataArray *response = [_authModule continueWithData: challenge]; responseTag = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"response" namespace: XMPP_NS_SASL]; if (response) { if ([response count] == 0) [responseTag setStringValue: @"="]; else [responseTag setStringValue: [response stringByBase64Encoding]]; } [self sendStanza: responseTag]; return; } if ([[element name] isEqual: @"success"]) { [_authModule continueWithData: [OFDataArray dataArrayWithBase64EncodedString: [element stringValue]]]; [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector( connectionWasAuthenticated:) withObject: self]; /* Stream restart */ [self XMPP_startStream]; return; } if ([[element name] isEqual: @"failure"]) { of_log(@"Auth failed!"); // FIXME: Do more parsing/handling @throw [XMPPAuthFailedException exceptionWithConnection: self reason: [element XMLString]]; } assert(0); } - (void)XMPP_handleIQ: (XMPPIQ*)IQ { bool handled = false; XMPPCallback *callback; OFString *key; if ((key = [[IQ from] fullJID]) == nil) key = [_JID bareJID]; if (key == nil) // Only happens for resource bind key = @"bind"; key = [key stringByAppendingString: [IQ ID]]; if ((callback = [_callbacks objectForKey: key])) { [callback runWithIQ: IQ connection: self]; [_callbacks removeObjectForKey: key]; return; } handled = [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector( connection:didReceiveIQ:) withObject: self withObject: IQ]; if (!handled && ![[IQ type] isEqual: @"error"] && ![[IQ type] isEqual: @"result"]) { [self sendStanza: [IQ errorIQWithType: @"cancel" condition: @"service-unavailable"]]; } } - (void)XMPP_handleMessage: (XMPPMessage*)message { [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection:didReceiveMessage:) withObject: self withObject: message]; } - (void)XMPP_handlePresence: (XMPPPresence*)presence { [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection:didReceivePresence:) withObject: self withObject: presence]; } - (void)XMPP_handleFeatures: (OFXMLElement*)element { OFXMLElement *startTLS = [element elementForName: @"starttls" namespace: XMPP_NS_STARTTLS]; OFXMLElement *bind = [element elementForName: @"bind" namespace: XMPP_NS_BIND]; OFXMLElement *session = [element elementForName: @"session" namespace: XMPP_NS_SESSION]; OFXMLElement *mechs = [element elementForName: @"mechanisms" namespace: XMPP_NS_SASL]; OFMutableSet *mechanisms = [OFMutableSet set]; if (!_encrypted && startTLS != nil) { [self sendStanza: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"starttls" namespace: XMPP_NS_STARTTLS]]; return; } if (_encryptionRequired && !_encrypted) /* TODO: Find/create an exception to throw here */ @throw [OFException exception]; if ([element elementForName: @"ver" namespace: XMPP_NS_ROSTERVER] != nil) _supportsRosterVersioning = true; if ([element elementForName: @"sm" namespace: XMPP_NS_SM] != nil) _supportsStreamManagement = true; if (mechs != nil) { OFEnumerator *enumerator; OFXMLElement *mech; enumerator = [[mechs children] objectEnumerator]; while ((mech = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) [mechanisms addObject: [mech stringValue]]; if (_privateKeyFile && _certificateFile && [mechanisms containsObject: @"EXTERNAL"]) { _authModule = [[XMPPEXTERNALAuth alloc] init]; [self XMPP_sendAuth: @"EXTERNAL"]; return; } if ([mechanisms containsObject: @"SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS"]) { _authModule = [[XMPPSCRAMAuth alloc] initWithAuthcid: _username password: _password connection: self hash: [OFSHA1Hash class] plusAvailable: true]; [self XMPP_sendAuth: @"SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS"]; return; } if ([mechanisms containsObject: @"SCRAM-SHA-1"]) { _authModule = [[XMPPSCRAMAuth alloc] initWithAuthcid: _username password: _password connection: self hash: [OFSHA1Hash class] plusAvailable: false]; [self XMPP_sendAuth: @"SCRAM-SHA-1"]; return; } if ([mechanisms containsObject: @"PLAIN"] && _encrypted) { _authModule = [[XMPPPLAINAuth alloc] initWithAuthcid: _username password: _password]; [self XMPP_sendAuth: @"PLAIN"]; return; } assert(0); } if (session != nil && ![session elementForName: @"optional" namespace: XMPP_NS_SESSION]) _needsSession = true; if (bind != nil) { [self XMPP_sendResourceBind]; return; } assert(0); } - (void)XMPP_sendAuth: (OFString*)authName { OFXMLElement *authTag; OFDataArray *initialMessage = [_authModule initialMessage]; authTag = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"auth" namespace: XMPP_NS_SASL]; [authTag addAttributeWithName: @"mechanism" stringValue: authName]; if (initialMessage) { if ([initialMessage count] == 0) [authTag setStringValue: @"="]; else [authTag setStringValue: [initialMessage stringByBase64Encoding]]; } [self sendStanza: authTag]; } - (void)XMPP_sendResourceBind { XMPPIQ *IQ; OFXMLElement *bind; IQ = [XMPPIQ IQWithType: @"set" ID: [self generateStanzaID]]; bind = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"bind" namespace: XMPP_NS_BIND]; if (_resource != nil) [bind addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"resource" namespace: XMPP_NS_BIND stringValue: _resource]]; [IQ addChild: bind]; [self sendIQ: IQ callbackTarget: self selector: @selector(XMPP_handleResourceBindForConnection: IQ:)]; } - (void)XMPP_sendStreamError: (OFString*)condition text: (OFString*)text { OFXMLElement *error = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"error" namespace: XMPP_NS_STREAM]; [error setPrefix: @"stream" forNamespace: XMPP_NS_STREAM]; [error addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: condition namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM]]; if (text) [error addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"text" namespace: XMPP_NS_XMPP_STREAM stringValue: text]]; [_parser setDelegate: nil]; [self sendStanza: error]; [self close]; } - (void)XMPP_handleResourceBindForConnection: (XMPPConnection*)connection IQ: (XMPPIQ*)iq { OFXMLElement *bindElement; OFXMLElement *jidElement; assert([[iq type] isEqual: @"result"]); bindElement = [iq elementForName: @"bind" namespace: XMPP_NS_BIND]; assert(bindElement != nil); jidElement = [bindElement elementForName: @"jid" namespace: XMPP_NS_BIND]; _JID = [[XMPPJID alloc] initWithString: [jidElement stringValue]]; if (_needsSession) { [self XMPP_sendSession]; return; } [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection:wasBoundToJID:) withObject: self withObject: _JID]; } - (void)XMPP_sendSession { XMPPIQ *iq; iq = [XMPPIQ IQWithType: @"set" ID: [self generateStanzaID]]; [iq addChild: [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"session" namespace: XMPP_NS_SESSION]]; [self sendIQ: iq callbackTarget: self selector: @selector(XMPP_handleSessionForConnection:IQ:)]; } - (void)XMPP_handleSessionForConnection: (XMPPConnection*)connection IQ: (XMPPIQ*)iq { if (![[iq type] isEqual: @"result"]) assert(0); [_delegates broadcastSelector: @selector(connection:wasBoundToJID:) withObject: self withObject: _JID]; } - (OFString*)XMPP_IDNAToASCII: (OFString*)domain { OFString *ret; char *cDomain; Idna_rc rc; if ((rc = idna_to_ascii_8z([domain UTF8String], &cDomain, IDNA_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES)) != IDNA_SUCCESS) @throw [XMPPIDNATranslationFailedException exceptionWithConnection: self operation: @"ToASCII" string: domain]; @try { ret = [[OFString alloc] initWithUTF8String: cDomain]; } @finally { free(cDomain); } return ret; } - (XMPPJID*)JID { return [[_JID copy] autorelease]; } - (void)setPort: (uint16_t)port { _port = port; } - (uint16_t)port { return _port; } - (void)setDataStorage: (id <XMPPStorage>)dataStorage { if (_streamOpen) /* FIXME: Find a better exception! */ @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; _dataStorage = dataStorage; } - (id <XMPPStorage>)dataStorage { return _dataStorage; } - (void)setLanguage: (OFString*)language { OF_SETTER(_language, language, true, 1) } - (OFString*)language { OF_GETTER(_language, true) } - (void)addDelegate: (id <XMPPConnectionDelegate>)delegate { [_delegates addDelegate: delegate]; } - (void)removeDelegate: (id <XMPPConnectionDelegate>)delegate { [_delegates removeDelegate: delegate]; } - (XMPPMulticastDelegate*)XMPP_delegates { return _delegates; } @end