ObjXMPP  Ambiguous Artifact ID

The artifact hash prefix ea90 is ambiguous and might mean any of the following:

  1. ea9006fa3333f2a983d0b06733aff174f0399b1bb5806c398b8c7f8c413a255c -

    Manifest of check-in [ea9006fa33] - Perform SASLPrep on the username and Resourceprep on the resource

    The username is not necessarily a nodepart, therefore SASLPrep is more
    appropriate than Nodeprep which we had before. by florob@babelmonkeys.de on 2011-02-15 02:52:16.

  2. ea90fec7bfac7e5642345db37b60acd0f2d455205cf4ea6e11611caf97603397 -