(function(F){ "use strict"; const E = (s)=>document.querySelector(s), D = F.dom, P = F.page; P.previewMode = 0 P.response = { isError: false, inputText: undefined, raw: undefined, rawSvg: undefined }; const getResponseSvg = function(r){ const i0 = r.indexOf("=0){ const i1 = r.indexOf(" legend'), previewCopyButton: D.attr( D.addClass(D.span(),'copy-button'), 'id','preview-copy-button' ), previewModeLabel: D.label('preview-copy-button'), btnSubmit: E('#pikchr-submit-preview'), btnStash: E('#pikchr-stash'), btnUnstash: E('#pikchr-unstash'), btnClearStash: E('#pikchr-clear-stash'), cbDarkMode: E('#flipcolors-wrapper > input[type=checkbox]'), taContent: E('#content'), taPreviewText: D.textarea(20,0,true), uiControls: E('#pikchrshow-controls'), previewModeToggle: D.button("Preview mode"), markupAlignDefault: D.attr(D.radio('markup-align','',true), 'id','markup-align-default'), markupAlignCenter: D.attr(D.radio('markup-align','center'), 'id','markup-align-center'), markupAlignIndent: D.attr(D.radio('markup-align','indent'), 'id','markup-align-indent'), markupAlignWrapper: D.addClass(D.span(), 'input-with-label') }; const alignEvent = function(ev){ if(P.previewMode==1 || P.previewMode==2){ P.renderPreview(); } }; P.e.markupAlignRadios = [ P.e.markupAlignDefault, P.e.markupAlignCenter, P.e.markupAlignIndent ]; D.append(P.e.markupAlignWrapper, D.addClass(D.append(D.span(),"align:"), 'v-align-middle')); P.e.markupAlignRadios.forEach( function(e){ e.addEventListener('change', alignEvent, false); D.append(P.e.markupAlignWrapper, D.addClass([ e, D.label(e, e.value || "left") ], 'v-align-middle')); } ); D.append( P.e.previewLegend, P.e.previewModeToggle, '\u00a0', P.e.previewCopyButton, P.e.previewModeLabel, P.e.markupAlignWrapper ); P.e.taContent.addEventListener('keydown',function(ev){ if(ev.shiftKey && 13 === ev.keyCode){ ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); P.preview(); return false; } }, false); F.copyButton(P.e.previewCopyButton, {copyFromElement: P.e.taPreviewText}); P.e.previewModeLabel.addEventListener('click', ()=>P.e.previewCopyButton.click(), false); P.e.cbDarkMode.addEventListener('change', function(ev){ if(ev.target.checked) D.addClass(P.e.previewTarget, 'dark-mode'); else D.removeClass(P.e.previewTarget, 'dark-mode'); }, false); if(P.e.cbDarkMode.checked) D.addClass(P.e.previewTarget, 'dark-mode'); P.e.btnSubmit.addEventListener('click', ()=>P.preview(), false); P.e.previewModeToggle.addEventListener('click', function(){ P.previewMode = ++P.previewMode % 4; P.renderPreview(); }, false); if(true){ const selectScript = P.e.selectScript = D.select(), cbAutoPreview = P.e.cbAutoPreview = D.attr(D.checkbox(true),'id', 'cb-auto-preview'), cbWrap = D.addClass(D.div(),'input-with-label') ; D.append( cbWrap, selectScript, cbAutoPreview, D.label(cbAutoPreview,"Auto-preview?"), F.helpButtonlets.create( D.append(D.div(), 'Auto-preview automatically previews selected ', 'built-in pikchr scripts by sending them to ', 'the server for rendering. Not recommended on a ', 'slow connection/server.', D.br(),D.br(), 'Pikchr scripts may also be dragged/dropped from ', 'the local filesystem into the text area, if the ', 'environment supports it, but the auto-preview ', 'option does not apply to them.' ) ) ); D.append(P.e.uiControls, cbWrap); P.predefinedPiks.forEach(function(script,ndx){ const opt = D.option(script.code ? script.code.trim() :'', script.name); D.append(selectScript, opt); opt.$_sampleScript = script; if(!ndx) selectScript.selectedIndex = 0; if(!script.code) D.disable(opt); }); delete P.predefinedPiks; selectScript.addEventListener('change', function(ev){ const val = ev.target.value; if(!val) return; const opt = ev.target.selectedOptions[0]; P.e.taContent.value = val; if(cbAutoPreview.checked){ P.preview.$_sampleScript = opt.$_sampleScript; P.preview(); } }, false); } D.append( P.e.uiControls, D.append( P.e.cbDarkMode.parentNode, F.helpButtonlets.create( D.div(), 'Dark mode changes the colors of rendered SVG to ', 'make them more visible in dark-themed skins. ', 'This only changes (using CSS) how they are rendered, ', 'not any actual colors written in the script.', D.br(), D.br(), 'In some color combinations, certain browsers might ', 'cause the SVG image to blur considerably with this ', 'setting enabled!' ) ) ); const dropHighlight = P.e.taContent; const dropEvents = { drop: function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); D.removeClass(dropHighlight, 'dragover'); const file = ev.dataTransfer.files[0]; if(file) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener( 'load', function(e) {P.e.taContent.value = e.target.result}, false ); reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8"); } }, dragenter: function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; D.addClass(dropHighlight, 'dragover'); }, dragover: function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); }, dragend: function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); }, dragleave: function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); D.removeClass(dropHighlight, 'dragover'); } }; [P.e.taContent ].forEach(function(e){ Object.keys(dropEvents).forEach( (k)=>e.addEventListener(k, dropEvents[k], true) ); }); const stashKey = 'pikchrshow-stash'; P.e.btnStash.addEventListener('click', function(){ const val = P.e.taContent.value; if(val){ F.storage.set(stashKey, val); D.enable(P.e.btnUnstash); F.toast.message("Stashed pikchr."); } }, false); P.e.btnUnstash.addEventListener('click', function(){ const val = F.storage.get(stashKey); P.e.taContent.value = val || ''; }, false); P.e.btnClearStash.addEventListener('click', function(){ F.storage.remove(stashKey); D.disable(P.e.btnUnstash); F.toast.message("Cleared pikchr stash."); }, false); F.helpButtonlets.create(P.e.btnClearStash.nextElementSibling); if(F.storage.contains(stashKey)) D.enable(P.e.btnUnstash); else D.disable(P.e.btnUnstash); let needsPreview; if(!P.e.taContent.value){ P.e.taContent.value = F.storage.get(stashKey,''); needsPreview = true; } if(P.e.taContent.value){ P.response.inputText = P.e.taContent.value; P.response.raw = P.e.previewTarget.innerHTML; P.response.rawSvg = getResponseSvg( P.response.raw.split(' ').join('\u00a0')); if(needsPreview) P.preview(); else{ P.renderPreview(); } } }); P.renderPreview = function f(){ if(!f.hasOwnProperty('rxNonce')){ f.rxNonce = /\r?\n?/g; f.showMarkupAlignment = function(showIt){ P.e.markupAlignWrapper.classList[showIt ? 'remove' : 'add']('hidden'); }; f.getMarkupAlignmentClass = function(){ if(P.e.markupAlignCenter.checked) return ' center'; else if(P.e.markupAlignIndent.checked) return ' indent'; return ''; }; f.getSvgNode = function(txt){ const childs = D.parseHtml(txt); const wrapper = childs.filter((e)=>'DIV'===e.tagName)[0]; return wrapper ? wrapper.querySelector('svg.pikchr') : undefined; }; } const preTgt = this.e.previewTarget; if(this.response.isError){ D.append(D.clearElement(preTgt), D.parseHtml(P.response.raw)); D.addClass(preTgt, 'error'); this.e.previewModeLabel.innerText = "Error"; return; } D.removeClass(preTgt, 'error'); D.removeClass(this.e.previewCopyButton, 'disabled'); D.removeClass(this.e.markupAlignWrapper, 'hidden'); D.enable(this.e.previewModeToggle, this.e.markupAlignRadios); let label, svg; switch(this.previewMode){ case 0: label = "SVG"; f.showMarkupAlignment(false); D.parseHtml(D.clearElement(preTgt), P.response.raw); svg = preTgt.querySelector('svg.pikchr'); if(svg && P.response.rawSvg){ this.e.taPreviewText.value = P.response.rawSvg; F.pikchr.addSrcView(svg); } break; case 1: label = "Markdown"; f.showMarkupAlignment(true); this.e.taPreviewText.value = [ '```pikchr'+f.getMarkupAlignmentClass(), this.response.inputText.trim(), '```' ].join('\n'); D.append(D.clearElement(preTgt), this.e.taPreviewText); break; case 2: label = "Fossil wiki"; f.showMarkupAlignment(true); this.e.taPreviewText.value = [ '', this.response.inputText.trim(), '' ].join(''); D.append(D.clearElement(preTgt), this.e.taPreviewText); break; case 3: label = "Raw SVG"; f.showMarkupAlignment(false); svg = f.getSvgNode(this.response.raw); if(svg){ this.e.taPreviewText.value = P.response.rawSvg || "Error extracting SVG element."; }else{ this.e.taPreviewText.value = "ERROR parsing response HTML:\n"+ this.response.raw; console.error("svg parsed HTML nodes:",childs); } D.append(D.clearElement(preTgt), this.e.taPreviewText); break; } this.e.previewModeLabel.innerText = label; this.e.taContent.focus(); }; P.preview = function fp(){ if(!fp.hasOwnProperty('toDisable')){ fp.toDisable = [ this.e.btnSubmit, this.e.taContent, this.e.cbAutoPreview, this.e.selectScript, this.e.btnStash, this.e.btnClearStash ]; fp.target = this.e.previewTarget; fp.updateView = function(c,isError){ P.previewMode = 0; P.response.raw = c; P.response.rawSvg = getResponseSvg(c); P.response.isError = isError; D.enable(fp.toDisable); P.renderPreview(); }; } D.disable(fp.toDisable, this.e.previewModeToggle, this.e.markupAlignRadios); D.addClass(this.e.markupAlignWrapper, 'hidden'); D.addClass(this.e.previewCopyButton, 'disabled'); const content = this.e.taContent.value.trim(); this.response.raw = this.response.rawSvg = undefined; this.response.inputText = content; const sampleScript = fp.$_sampleScript; delete fp.$_sampleScript; if(sampleScript && sampleScript.cached){ fp.updateView(sampleScript.cached, false); return this; } if(!content){ fp.updateView("No pikchr content!",true); return this; } const self = this; const fd = new FormData(); fd.append('ajax', true); fd.append('content',content); F.fetch('pikchrshow',{ payload: fd, responseHeaders: 'x-pikchrshow-is-error', onload: (r,isErrHeader)=>{ const isErr = +isErrHeader ? true : false; if(!isErr && sampleScript){ sampleScript.cached = r; } fp.updateView(r,isErr); }, onerror: (e)=>{ F.fetch.onerror(e); fp.updateView("Error fetching preview: "+e, true); } }); return this; }; P.predefinedPiks = [ {name: "-- Example Scripts --"}, {name:"Cardinal headings",code:` linerad = 5px C: circle "Center" rad 150% circle "N" at 1.0 n of C; arrow from C to last chop -> circle "NE" at 1.0 ne of C; arrow from C to last chop <- circle "E" at 1.0 e of C; arrow from C to last chop <-> circle "SE" at 1.0 se of C; arrow from C to last chop -> circle "S" at 1.0 s of C; arrow from C to last chop <- circle "SW" at 1.0 sw of C; arrow from C to last chop <-> circle "W" at 1.0 w of C; arrow from C to last chop -> circle "NW" at 1.0 nw of C; arrow from C to last chop <- arrow from 2nd circle to 3rd circle chop arrow from 4th circle to 3rd circle chop arrow from SW to S chop <-> circle "ESE" at 2.0 heading 112.5 from Center \ thickness 150% fill lightblue radius 75% arrow from Center to ESE thickness 150% <-> chop arrow from ESE up 1.35 then to NE chop line dashed <- from E.e to (ESE.x,E.y) line dotted <-> thickness 50% from N to NW chop `},{name:"Core object types",code:`AllObjects: [ # First row of objects box "box" box rad 10px "box (with" "rounded" "corners)" at 1in right of previous circle "circle" at 1in right of previous ellipse "ellipse" at 1in right of previous # second row of objects OVAL1: oval "oval" at 1in below first box oval "(tall &" "thin)" "oval" width OVAL1.height height OVAL1.width \ at 1in right of previous cylinder "cylinder" at 1in right of previous file "file" at 1in right of previous # third row shows line-type objects dot "dot" above at 1in below first oval line right from 1.8cm right of previous "lines" above arrow right from 1.8cm right of previous "arrows" above spline from 1.8cm right of previous \ go right .15 then .3 heading 30 then .5 heading 160 then .4 heading 20 \ then right .15 "splines" at 3rd vertex of previous # The third vertex of the spline is not actually on the drawn # curve. The third vertex is a control point. To see its actual # position, uncomment the following line: #dot color red at 3rd vertex of previous spline # Draw various lines below the first line line dashed right from 0.3cm below start of previous line line dotted right from 0.3cm below start of previous line thin right from 0.3cm below start of previous line thick right from 0.3cm below start of previous # Draw arrows with different arrowhead configurations below # the first arrow arrow <- right from 0.4cm below start of previous arrow arrow <-> right from 0.4cm below start of previous # Draw splines with different arrowhead configurations below # the first spline spline same from .4cm below start of first spline -> spline same from .4cm below start of previous <- spline same from .4cm below start of previous <-> ] # end of AllObjects # Label the whole diagram text "Examples Of Pikchr Objects" big bold at .8cm above north of AllObjects `},{name:"Swimlanes",code:` $laneh = 0.75 # Draw the lanes down box width 3.5in height $laneh fill 0xacc9e3 box same fill 0xc5d8ef box same as first box box same as 2nd box line from 1st box.sw+(0.2,0) up until even with 1st box.n \ "Alan" above aligned line from 2nd box.sw+(0.2,0) up until even with 2nd box.n \ "Betty" above aligned line from 3rd box.sw+(0.2,0) up until even with 3rd box.n \ "Charlie" above aligned line from 4th box.sw+(0.2,0) up until even with 4th box.n \ "Darlene" above aligned # fill in content for the Alice lane right A1: circle rad 0.1in at end of first line + (0.2,-0.2) \ fill white thickness 1.5px "1" arrow right 50% circle same "2" arrow right until even with first box.e - (0.65,0.0) ellipse "future" fit fill white height 0.2 width 0.5 thickness 1.5px A3: circle same at A1+(0.8,-0.3) "3" fill 0xc0c0c0 arrow from A1 to last circle chop "fork!" below aligned # content for the Betty lane B1: circle same as A1 at A1-(0,$laneh) "1" arrow right 50% circle same "2" arrow right until even with first ellipse.w ellipse same "future" B3: circle same at A3-(0,$laneh) "3" arrow right 50% circle same as A3 "4" arrow from B1 to 2nd last circle chop # content for the Charlie lane C1: circle same as A1 at B1-(0,$laneh) "1" arrow 50% circle same "2" arrow right 0.8in "goes" "offline" C5: circle same as A3 "5" arrow right until even with first ellipse.w \ "back online" above "pushes 5" below "pulls 3 & 4" below ellipse same "future" # content for the Darlene lane D1: circle same as A1 at C1-(0,$laneh) "1" arrow 50% circle same "2" arrow right until even with C5.w circle same "5" arrow 50% circle same as A3 "6" arrow right until even with first ellipse.w ellipse same "future" D3: circle same as B3 at B3-(0,2*$laneh) "3" arrow 50% circle same "4" arrow from D1 to D3 chop `} ]; })(window.fossil);