Artifact f714b4a0e379abe66f8f38229098b007088285cbe752c33c77f32c2ccac01e45:
- File PGResultRow.h — part of check-in [8c8a431322] at 2013-02-13 23:40:59 on branch trunk — Prefix all ivars with an underscore. (user: js size: 277)
- File src/PGResultRow.h — part of check-in [8679c61b2c] at 2014-07-18 23:35:18 on branch trunk — Add a proper build system (user: js size: 277)
#include <libpq-fe.h> #import <ObjFW/ObjFW.h> #import "PGResult.h" @interface PGResultRow: OFDictionary { PGResult *_result; PGresult *_res; int _row; } + rowWithResult: (PGResult*)result row: (int)row; - initWithResult: (PGResult*)result row: (int)row; @end