ObjPgSQL  Artifact [77d330bc63]

Artifact 77d330bc6345d5ca765653b5682c6ec514ea82d5b2f830618672e547d69210bd:

  • File PGResultRow.m — part of check-in [4a2b1fff7e] at 2012-10-07 22:45:37 on branch trunk — Convert types using the result of PQftypes(). (user: js size: 2827)

#import "PGResultRow.h"

static id
convert_type(PGresult *res, int col, OFString *str)
	switch (PQftype(res, col)) {
	case 16: /* BOOLOID */
		if ([str isEqual: @"t"])
			return [OFNumber numberWithBool: YES];
			return [OFNumber numberWithBool: NO];
	case 21: /* INT2OID */
		return [OFNumber numberWithInt16: (int16_t)[str decimalValue]];
	case 23: /* INT4OID */
		return [OFNumber numberWithInt32: (int32_t)[str decimalValue]];
	case 20: /* INT8OID */
		return [OFNumber numberWithInt64: (int64_t)[str decimalValue]];

	return str;

@interface PGResultRowEnumerator: OFEnumerator
	PGResult *result;
	PGresult *res;
	int row, pos, count;

- initWithResult: (PGResult*)result
	     row: (int)row;

@interface PGResultRowKeyEnumerator: PGResultRowEnumerator

@interface PGResultRowObjectEnumerator: PGResultRowEnumerator

@implementation PGResultRow
+ rowWithResult: (PGResult*)result
	    row: (int)row
	return [[[self alloc] initWithResult: result
					 row: row] autorelease];

- initWithResult: (PGResult*)result_
	     row: (int)row_
	self = [super init];

	result = [result_ retain];
	res = [result PG_result];
	row = row_;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[result release];

	[super dealloc];

- (size_t)count
	int i, count, fields = PQnfields(res);

	for (i = count = 0; i < fields; i++)
		if (!PQgetisnull(res, row, i))

	return count;

- (id)objectForKey: (id)key
	int col;

	if ([key isKindOfClass: [OFNumber class]])
		col = [key intValue];
		col = PQfnumber(res, [key UTF8String]);

	if (PQgetisnull(res, row, col))
		return nil;

	return convert_type(res, col,
	    [OFString stringWithUTF8String: PQgetvalue(res, row, col)]);

- (OFEnumerator*)keyEnumerator
	return [[[PGResultRowKeyEnumerator alloc]
	    initWithResult: result
		       row: row] autorelease];

- (OFEnumerator*)objectEnumerator
	return [[[PGResultRowObjectEnumerator alloc]
	    initWithResult: result
		       row: row] autorelease];

@implementation PGResultRowEnumerator
- initWithResult: (PGResult*)result_
	     row: (int)row_
	self = [super init];

	result = [result_ retain];
	res = [result PG_result];
	row = row_;
	count = PQnfields(res);

	return self;

- (void)reset
	pos = 0;

@implementation PGResultRowKeyEnumerator
- (id)nextObject
	if (pos >= count)
		return nil;

	while (pos < count && PQgetisnull(res, row, pos))

	if (pos >= count)
		return nil;

	return [OFString stringWithUTF8String: PQfname(res, pos++)];

@implementation PGResultRowObjectEnumerator
- (id)nextObject
	if (pos >= count)
		return nil;

	while (pos < count && PQgetisnull(res, row, pos))

	if (pos >= count)
		return nil;

	return convert_type(res, pos,
	    [OFString stringWithUTF8String: PQgetvalue(res, row, pos++)]);