/* * This small program sets the resolution to 3000x2000 in HiDPI mode. * * Unfortunately, this is necessary because macOS does not allow selecting 3:2 * resolutions as used by some travel displays. * * Compile with: * clang -framework CoreGraphics -framework Foundation Set3000x2000Res.m */ #import #import int main() { NSArray *allModes = (NSArray *)CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes( CGMainDisplayID(), (CFDictionaryRef)@{ (NSString *)kCGDisplayShowDuplicateLowResolutionModes: @YES }); CGDisplayModeRef pickedMode = NULL; for (id object in allModes) { CGDisplayModeRef mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)object; if (CGDisplayModeGetWidth(mode) == 1500 && CGDisplayModeGetHeight(mode) == 1000 && CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(mode) == 60) { pickedMode = mode; break; } } if (pickedMode == NULL) { NSLog(@"Mode not found!"); return 1; } CGDisplayConfigRef config; if (CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(&config) != kCGErrorSuccess) { NSLog(@"CGBeginDisplayConfiguration failed!"); return 1; } if (CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(config, CGMainDisplayID(), pickedMode, NULL) != kCGErrorSuccess) { NSLog(@"CGConfigureDisplayWithMode failed!"); return 1; } if (CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(config, kCGConfigurePermanently) != kCGErrorSuccess) { NSLog(@"CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration failed!"); return 1; } return 0; }