Artifact d580d68891d4d7fa2ecab2ed8a90d8c7656193657dd2a74a7475f33844b75f6c:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-06-15 20:58:48
on branch trunk
— fish: Convert abbreviations to aliases
It's annoying to see fish expand the abbreviation while you type. (user: js size: 1295)
set -g fish_greeting set -g fish_key_bindings hybrid_bindings set -g fish_escape_delay_ms 300 set -g fish_cursor_unknown block set -g fish_color_autosuggestion 303030 set -g fish_color_command 205cb3 set -g fish_color_comment 6600cc set -g fish_color_cwd 209060 set -g fish_color_end 730099 set -g fish_color_host 176945 set -g fish_color_jobs --bold yellow set -g fish_color_operator cc6fdf set -g fish_color_param 3377cf set -g fish_color_quote ff751a set -g fish_color_redirection bf4080 set -g fish_color_search_match ffff00 set -g fish_color_selection c0c0c0 set -g fish_color_status --bold red set -g fish_color_suffix 29bc7d set -g fish_color_user 00ff00 set -g fish_color_valid_path normal set -g fish_color_vcs 43d696 set -g fish_color_vcs_braces 29bc7d test -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" or set -x XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config test -n "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" or set -x XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache test -n "$XDG_DATA_HOME" or set -x XDG_DATA_HOME $HOME/.local/share set -x EDITOR vim set -x VIMINIT "source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc" set -x LS_COLORS 'di=34:ow=44;37:tw=44;37:st=44;37:ex=31:su=7;31:sg=7;31:ln=33:or=7;33:pi=32:do=32:bd=35:cd=35:so=32:*.bz2=36:*.dmg=36:*.gz=36:*.gpg=36:*.rar=36:*.tar=36:*.tbz2=36:*.tgz=36:*.xz=36:*.zip=36:*.orig=90:*~=90' set -x GNUPGHOME $XDG_DATA_HOME/gnupg