configs  Artifact [b06abd29bb]

Artifact b06abd29bbce0ba8f09527c7ca099c893e1291f3e9fe73239b7f1d936bc842ea:

  • File git/config — part of check-in [ac6df3c466] at 2020-02-26 21:18:36 on branch trunk — Make Git use XDG basedir (user: js size: 596)
  • File gitconfig — part of check-in [e92f4ffcc5] at 2020-01-21 00:14:12 on branch trunk — gitconfig: Update GPG key (user: js size: 596)

	name = Jonathan Schleifer
	email =
	signingkey = 30E6948FAC8042B58CB4A96EE2BCCE6B35E1AF8B

	ui = auto
	interactive = auto

	ci = commit -S
	co = checkout
	d = diff
	ds = diff --staged
	server = daemon --reuseaddr --verbose --base-path=. --export-all ./.git
	slog = log --show-signature
	sshow = show --show-signature
	st = status -s

	signature = Jonathan

	editor = vim

	default = matching

	program = gpg2

[url ""]
	insteadOf =
	pushInsteadOf =

	fsckObjects = true