configs  Artifact [86acf42758]

Artifact 86acf427582185828c0e092d8e2be6f3530718e1450810273969d543b7ec6542:

  • File config/fish/functions/ — part of check-in [c22a3e608c] at 2020-01-22 21:38:13 on branch trunk — fish: Slightly change command and operator color

    This is the exact same color in Apple Terminal, but improves legibility
    in Gnome Terminal.

    Also silences stderr from which. (user: js size: 280)

function pw
	set -l clipboard
	if which pbcopy >/dev/null ^&1
		set clipboard pbcopy
	else if which xclip >/dev/null ^&1
		set clipboard xclip
		echo "No clipboard handler found!"
		return 1

	cryptopassphrase -k ~/.scrypt-pwgen.key $argv | tr -d '\n' | $clipboard