Comment: | tmux.conf: Fix typo and add workaround. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: |
6e8ca399bf489d3fefd21855a5c19474 |
User & Date: | js 2013-08-01 00:54:50 |
| ||
23:33 | Add gitconfig check-in: bbdb9e2e7d user: js tags: trunk | |
| ||
00:54 | tmux.conf: Fix typo and add workaround. check-in: 6e8ca399bf user: js tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:43 | tmux.conf: Add alert colours. check-in: f5f3de48a5 user: js tags: trunk | |
Changes to tmux.conf.
1 2 3 4 | setw -g mode-keys vi set -g status-bg colour233 set -g status-fg colour25 set -g status-left "#[fg=colour52]#S #[fg=colour24]⧉" | | > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | setw -g mode-keys vi set -g status-bg colour233 set -g status-fg colour25 set -g status-left "#[fg=colour52]#S #[fg=colour24]⧉" set -g status-right "#[fg=colour22]#(whoami)#[fg=colour28]@#h #[fg=colour40]#(date +%H:%M)" set -w -g window-status-current-fg colour39 set -w -g window-status-current-bg colour236 set -w -g window-status-bell-fg colour233 set -w -g window-status-bell-bg colour124 bind -r C-h resize-pane -L bind -r C-j resize-pane -D bind -r C-k resize-pane -U bind -r C-l resize-pane -R set -ag terminal-overrides ",*:XT@" |