Artifact 60dff374a8841c1b218805d10cb93ab74ccffe7449598fb6550d615bdaf5fb16:
- File
— part of check-in
2021-03-02 01:45:56
on branch trunk
— vim: Add ftdetect/indent/syntax for Crystal
From (user: js size: 2965)
" Initialization {{{1 " ============== " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists('b:did_indent') finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 if !exists('g:crystal_indent_assignment_style') " Possible values: 'variable', 'hanging' let g:crystal_indent_assignment_style = 'hanging' endif if !exists('g:crystal_indent_block_style') " Possible values: 'expression', 'do' let g:crystal_indent_block_style = 'expression' endif setlocal nosmartindent " Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it. setlocal indentexpr=GetCrystalIndent(v:lnum) setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],!^F,o,O,e,. setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=elsif,=when,=in,=ensure,=rescue " Only define the function once. if exists('*GetCrystalIndent') finish endif " Return the value of a single shift-width if exists('*shiftwidth') let s:sw = function('shiftwidth') else function! s:sw() return &shiftwidth endfunction endif " GetCrystalIndent Function {{{1 " ========================= function! GetCrystalIndent(...) abort " Setup {{{2 " ----- let indent_info = {} " The value of a single shift-width let indent_info.sw = s:sw() " For the current line, use the first argument if given, else v:lnum let indent_info.clnum = a:0 ? a:1 : v:lnum let indent_info.cline = getline(indent_info.clnum) " Set up variables for restoring position in file. let indent_info.col = col('.') " Work on the current line {{{2 " ------------------------ for callback_name in g:crystal#indent#curr_line_callbacks let indent = call(function(callback_name), [indent_info]) if indent >= 0 return indent endif endfor " Work on the previous line. {{{2 " -------------------------- " Special case: we don't need the real PrevNonBlank for an empty line " inside a string. And that call can be quite expensive in that " particular situation. let indent = crystal#indent#EmptyInsideString(indent_info) if indent >= 0 return indent endif " Previous line number let indent_info.plnum = crystal#indent#PrevNonBlank(indent_info.clnum - 1) let indent_info.pline = getline(indent_info.plnum) for callback_name in g:crystal#indent#prev_line_callbacks let indent = call(function(callback_name), [indent_info]) if indent >= 0 return indent endif endfor " Work on the MSL. {{{2 " ---------------- " Most Significant line based on the previous one -- in case it's a " contination of something above let indent_info.plnum_msl = crystal#indent#GetMSL(indent_info.plnum) let indent_info.pline_msl = getline(indent_info.plnum_msl) for callback_name in g:crystal#indent#msl_callbacks let indent = call(function(callback_name), [indent_info]) if indent >= 0 return indent endif endfor " }}}2 " By default, just return the previous line's indent return indent(indent_info.plnum) endfunction " }}}1 " vim:sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 fdm=marker et: