Artifact 2fc5f175b68133592eadb92feb73cac9ef8c45e09b1111f129239a49ac5d2a13:
- File fish/functions/ — part of check-in [2e8e994339] at 2020-08-30 03:44:27 on branch trunk — Add cvsd to get a colored cvs diff (user: js size: 360)
function fld --wraps 'fossil diff' if type -q colordiff command fossil diff -N $argv | colordiff | less -FRX else set -l red (tput setaf 1) set -l green (tput setaf 2) set -l reset (tput sgr0) fossil diff -N $argv | sed "s/^+.*\$/$green&$reset/" | sed "s/^-.*\$/$red&$reset/" | less -FRX end end