Artifact 27cd980840cc05aedd22b857acb98f565e1075e2eb674534a45be3476266a257:
- File
— part of check-in
2015-02-15 19:31:20
on branch trunk
— gitconfig: Don't use gpgsign = true
The reason is that this causes all kinds of operations to sign, many
even sign multiple times. This option is completely unusable with a
smartcard that requires a PIN. Instead, only sign when commiting using
ci. (user: js size: 349)
[user] name = Jonathan Schleifer email = [color] ui = auto interactive = auto [alias] ci = commit -S co = checkout d = diff ds = diff --staged slog = log --show-signature sshow = show --show-signature st = status -s [format] signature = Jonathan [core] editor = vim [push] default = matching [gpg] program = gpg2