configs at [5187dcf500]

File fish/ artifact e77c769667 part of check-in 5187dcf500

set -g fish_greeting
set -g fish_key_bindings hybrid_bindings
set -g fish_escape_delay_ms 300
set -g fish_cursor_unknown block

set -g fish_color_autosuggestion 303030
set -g fish_color_command 205cb3
set -g fish_color_comment 6600cc
set -g fish_color_cwd 209060
set -g fish_color_end 730099
set -g fish_color_host 176945
set -g fish_color_jobs --bold yellow
set -g fish_color_operator cc6fdf
set -g fish_color_param 3377cf
set -g fish_color_quote ff751a
set -g fish_color_redirection bf4080
set -g fish_color_search_match ffff00
set -g fish_color_selection c0c0c0
set -g fish_color_status --bold red
set -g fish_color_suffix 29bc7d
set -g fish_color_user 00ff00
set -g fish_color_valid_path normal
set -g fish_color_vcs 43d696
set -g fish_color_vcs_braces 29bc7d

set -g fish_normal_user js

test -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
or set -x XDG_CONFIG_HOME "$HOME/.config"
test -n "$XDG_CACHE_HOME"
or set -x XDG_CACHE_HOME "$HOME/.cache"
test -n "$XDG_DATA_HOME"
or set -x XDG_DATA_HOME "$HOME/.local/share"

set -x EDITOR vim
set -x VIMINIT "source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc"
set -x LS_COLORS 'di=34:ow=44;37:tw=44;37:st=44;37:ex=31:su=7;31:sg=7;31:ln=33:or=7;33:pi=32:do=32:bd=35:cd=35:so=32:*.bz2=36:*.dmg=36:*.gz=36:*.gpg=36:*.rar=36:*.tar=36:*.tbz2=36:*.tgz=36:*.xz=36:*.zip=36:*.orig=90:*~=90'
set -x SUDO_PROMPT (printf "\033[0;31m[\033[1;31msudo -> %%U\033[0;31m]\033[0m Password for \033[1m%%p@%%H\033[0m: ")
set -x CVS_RSH ssh

if type -q gpg
    # Make sure the GPG agent is running
    gpg --card-status &>/dev/null

    set -l sock
    if test -d "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gnupg"
        set sock (find $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gnupg -name S.gpg-agent.ssh | head -1)
    if test -z "$sock"
        set sock "$GNUPGHOME/S.gpg-agent.ssh"

    alias gssh="SSH_AUTH_SOCKET=$sock ssh"
    alias gssh-add="SSH_AUTH_SOCKET=$sock ssh-add"
    alias gsftp="SSH_AUTH_SOCKET=$sock sftp"

if test (uname -s) = Darwin
    set -x MAKEFLAGS -j(math (sysctl -n machdep.cpu.thread_count)'*2')
else if type -q nproc
    set -x MAKEFLAGS -j(math (nproc)'*2')