buildsys  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 34e8d887f771787878331217786c3fd73ea211839e8a8f2048bd7e67097c0674:

  • File — part of check-in [bd5f98820f] at 2014-05-06 20:35:07 on branch trunk — Fix dependency checking with bmake

    gmake always includes files relative to the current directory, while
    bmake includes them relative to the current Makefile - and current
    Makefile means the current include. However, bmake has a variable
    .CURDIR that always points to the current directory, but is missing in
    gmake. Thus, .CURDIR is just set to "." if it's not set and always in
    the include, thus making it work with both, bmake and gmake. (user: js, size: 20994) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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